Thursday, November 25, 2010

HotRock presentations on Slideshare

I've been uploading some of our presentations onto slideshare.  I hope that it might make it easier for many of you to find and you can use them through this or download them.  They are of course still available to download on our website  Here's one of them.  We use it to start of our Climate change module - Global Warming, Global Warning.   1. what is climate change quiz
View more presentations from HotRock.

Thursday, November 18, 2010

Climate Change Information for 3BGEO & Science

I've come across a great resource which would be perfect for use within unit 3B Geography.  It's a booklet called The Science of Climate Change: Questions and Answers.  Its written by the Australian Academy of Science, which also means that lots of the statistics and impacts are focussed on Australia too.

Its very readable, whilst also being informative and discusses the answers to 7 key climate change questions:
  1. What is Climate Change?
  2. How has the Earth's climate changed in the distant past?
  3. How has the Earth's climate changed in the recent past?
  4. Are human activities causing climate change?
  5. How do we expect climate to evolve in the future?
  6. What are the consequences of Climate Change?
  7. How do we deal with the uncertainty in the science?
Its really perfect for the 1st few lessons of 3b Gegraphy on climate change and would be useful in science too.  Lucy

Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Last Chance to See

Have you been watching 'Last Chance to See' on ABC.  A great program to complement any lessons you are doing on biodivesity and the treats to it.  Its with Stephen Fry, travelling the world to find engangered species and explore their habitats and the threats to them.  LAst week he was in South East Asia and saw amongst other things - komodo dragons, mangroves, spiny coated ant eaters and proboscis monkeys.  Monocultural palm oil plantations were a big threat to the natural environments that support these animals and plants.  


Scaly Anteater by Bjorn Olesen 

Next week they are off to New Zealand.  Its on Sunday at 7.30 pm.  You can also catch past episodes on iview.