Thursday, December 9, 2010

Show us your Ocean!

Get your class involved in photo elecitation.
Beautiful shells at Eagle Bay
 I took this photo during a pilot study for Steve's photo elicitation module.  We were each given an underwater camera to go off and take photos with whilst snorkelling.  It was a great experinence, it really made me look at the sea and shore in a different way.  I really noticed the different fish, the effects of the light and water and movement of the plants.  It was even more interesting to look at everyone else's photos and see what they had deccided to capture, discover new creatures that i didn't even know existed(!) and to share our experiences with each other.  It definitely changed my relationship with the ocean here.

Steve's doctoral research is into the effectiveness photoelicitation as an education technique and your class can have the opportunity to take part in a similar exercise to the one I did and be a part of this Curtin University reseearch.  Steve has develped a series of 4 lessons to support the snorkelling field trip.  You can download them on our website here.
He's also got his own website with more details about the program

Please get in touch with any of us here at Hotrock or with Steve (at directly if you'd like more details about the program and/or would like to be involved.

I'll leave you with a couple of my other photos.  Lucy (

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